ProgCalc is very high precision (38 digits) programmable true-decimal calculator, providing Swift programming language interface to write complex algorithms, supporting scalar and non-scalar data types and operations. Non-scalar data types are comprised of complex, quaternion, n-dimensional vector, array, list, and hierarchical tuple.
App Swift language is subset of standard Swift language tailored for numerical applications. App includes 38-digit scalar math library comprised of well known transcendental functions: trigonometric, hyperbolic, logarithmic, and exponentiation, as well as many other less known useful functions: arithmetic-geometric mean, arbitrary precision rounding, mod operations, log/normal binomial coefficients, log/normal factorial functions, ceil and floor functions (towards -∞, and 0), and more.
App document is included with the app ([2nd][8] key), and provides comprehensive description of all calculator features, language guide with examples and grammar, and more.
ProgCalc user interface has three interactive modes (described in detail in app document):
- Standard infiX notation — default
- Fully editable infiX notation
- RPN notation (RPN)
You can switch between modes at device home screen by applying pressure gesture on app icon. On iPad devices you can use more convenient dedicated mode-switch keys.
Note: Even though released, iPad display screen is at preliminary stage.
This app is ad-free and will always stay ad-free.
This app does not use any third party software.